The Earprompter is a state-of-the-art device that is revolutionizing business presentations and public speaking. It allows you to deliver speeches, however long or technical, word-for-word every time, without memorization, notes or teleprompters. Think of all the advantages: you can leave the lecturn behind you, maintain eye contact, and fully connect with your audience. And preparation time is cut by almost 90%. No more sleepless nights, no more anxiety, no more fear! And nobody knows you're using it.
How Does the Earprompter System Work? (size 980 KB) You record your speech, exactly as you want it to sound, on our specially designed recorder. When you're ready to give your speech, start the recorder and your speech plays back through a tiny, wireless, speaker in your ear. You just repeat what you are hearing, staying one-to-two seconds behind the recording. Because you're not afraid of forgetting the words, you can devote all of your energy to the delivery of your presentation, connecting and communicating with your audience like you never have before.
No Memorizing
No Notes
No Fear
Quick and easy revisions
Prep time reduced by about 90%
Total control