A Certified DVBE/SDVOSB Busines
What is the Earprompter System, and why do I need it?
The Earprompter System combines advanced miniaturized electronics with the latest communication techniques to make just about anyone an effective speaker. It allows you to prepare a presentation quickly - usually less than half a day - without notes, without memorizing, without wasting time, and best of all, without fear. With the Earprompter, you can deliver any speech or any script, however long or technical, word-for-word, every time. And for actors, it is a faster, easier, more natural teleprompter alternative.
How does it work?
The Earprompter is a four-part system consisting of a small, enhanced micro-cassette recorder, an antennae loop, an earpiece, and a remote pause button. You record your speech or script exactly as you want it to sound. The antenna loop, which you wear under you shirt, plugs into the recorder and amplifes the signal. The tiny wireless speaker, which fits snugly and invisibly into your ear, picks up this signal, so you (and only you) hear what you have recorded. You then "repeat" what you are hearing---staying about one-to-two seconds behind---much as you did as a kid when you mimicked your friends. The remote pause button, which you can carry anywhere on your body, allows you to pause the recorder in order to ad lib or answer questions, and then to restart it, totally unobtrusively.
What can I use it for?
You can use it for every facet of public speaking and acting. I use it to act in corporate films, on stage, in soaps, and in feature films. It's also excellent for giving speeches in foreign languages. I use it to audition, to act in corporate films, etc.
How much time would a "first-timer" need to use the device?
It would depend, of course, on the basic speaking skills the first-timer brought to the table, but almost everyone can use it well by the end of the day. In fact, many clients use the Earprompter for work the day after the training...it really is "news you can use".
Isn't it hard to listen and talk at the same time?
It's actually quite easy. All of us did this as kids, mimicking our friends, and it came naturally with no anxiety and no hesitation. Now you can renew this skill, and become an extraordinarily effective speaker.
Can anyone see the earpiece when I'm using it?
Even at close range, people can't see the earpiece, because it fits snugly and safely just inside the ear canal, and is quite small...about the size of your fingernail.
Has the system ever failed? What would I do then?
The problems clients have reported were due primarily to carelessness, so just use common sense maintenance. Always check the batteries prior to presentation. As a backup, we always suggest carrying a hardcopy of the presentation in your pocket "just in case". In eighteen years, I've had to use it just once. Our training goes into great detail on maintaining the equipment and avoiding any problems.
Could I deliver a speech in a foreign language?
That is done all the time. I have spoken in front of large groups in Spanish, French, Italian and German, and I don't speak those languages. And one of my clients gave a highly technical twenty-minute presentation in Japanese, very successfully, I might add, without knowing any Japanese.
Can I change the inflection, delivery style and speed from the recorded version?
Absolutely! The only constant in this system are the words. You can stop and start the tape anytime, change speed in mid-presentation, change inflection as you go, speak authoritatively, humorously, folksy, conversationally, over-the-top and all from the same recording. Your choices are unlimited.
Why should I take the training from Ovation?
Because ours is the longest running and best Earprompter training anywhere...we started in 1986. My approach is designed for quick, expert use of the Earprompter, reducing your learning curve and saving you time. We also have the most advanced equipment...no one else is even close. We not only teach "first timers", but those who are already experienced in using the ear...they come to us to get better. We teach actors, businesspeople, government officials, ministers, and professionals from all walks of life. We are the pros that the pros go to.(Please see our testimonials)
Is this training just for professional speakers?
No. The training is for anyone who gives presentations in just about every line of work, from actors to zoologists. It requires no previous training.
How long and how large is the class?
It's about half a day for one-to-four students. Larger classes can be arranged.
What should I bring to class?
Your desire to become a fabulous public speaker or actor! We provide everything else, including the equipment and the class handouts. Our specialized equipment is also available for purchase.
How should I prepare for the class?
Listen to news or talk radio for five minutes a day. Repeat what you're hearing, staying in the comfort zone one to two seconds behind the announcer.